
3-month Subscription

8 packets of CoffeeCandy™ per month including free shipping for a total of $81.00. Saving $2.40 per month, a total saving of $7.2 for 3 months.

6-month Subscription

8 packets of CoffeeCandy™ per month including free shipping for only $29.40, reduced to $26.40, for a total of $158.40 for a 6-months supply of CoffeeCandy™. Saving of $3.00 per month, a total saving of $36.00 a year.

One-year Subscription

8 packets of CoffeeCandy™ monthly including shipping for only $29.40, reduced to $26.00, for a total of $312.00 a year. Saving of $3.40 per month, a total saving of $40.8 a year.