
Coffee Lovers: Good News for You!

Research indicates that consuming coffee on a regular basis and with sugar enables you live longer. Here's the link:
Just in case you're curious, COG stands for "coffee-on-the-go", aka, our coffee candy.


FDA recommendation: less than 400 mg coffeine intake a day.

Beyond Benefits of Coffee:

In addition to caffeine, that gives you quick mental boost, our CoffeeCandy™

  • helps your body to get rid of bad stuff because the dark chocolate in it is "loaded with antioxidants"
  • reduces cholesterol levels and good for your heart because of its orange marmalade content
  • good for your bones because the corn syrup provides calcium
  • and don't forget the minerals for your body because of the sea salt


Our product, CoffeeCandy™, provides the Most CONVENIENCE for your love of coffee because you can have it any time anywhere you want.


Minimum order of $10. One packet retail price is $2.85 containing 3 CoffeeCandy™, caffeine-wise, equivalent to one cup of coffee.


While on a road trip you want caffeine to keep you alert but you don't want the urge to go to the bathroom!

COG ("coffee-on-the-go"), our coffee candy solves this problem for you!


While hiking making your own coffee would be too much hassle!

COG ("coffee-on-the-go"), our coffee candy solves this problem for you!


Study or work late at night? Yeah, you could use some caffeine to stay awake.

COG ("coffee-on-the-go"), our coffee candy solves this problem for you!

"This is the most interesting product I've found for this year!"

- Tim Barrett

"Tastes great, fair price, clean BUZZ."

- Joe Kiley

ORDER with PayPal

Minimum order of $10. One packet retail price is $2.85 containing 3 CoffeeCandy™.

Free Trial

You'll receive one packet of our COG coffee candy for free. You only pay shipping and handling fee of $5.00.

Free Trial

Option 1

4 packets of COG coffee candy is $15.40. Free shipping.

Buy Now

Option 2

8 packets of COG coffee candy is $29.40. Free shipping.

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